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Advertising and Sponsorship Information

Our Baja tourism site is now on target to deliver over ONE MILLION page views per year!

Our Baja-related website has been created to present high-quality information to travelers that will be visiting Baja, Mexico. The creators of this site have been involved in Mexican tourism websites and the Internet for over fifteen years. More than twenty websites later, here we are – at it again – back in our favorite area, Southern Baja.

Much of our advertising strategy for local businesses seems very subtle, although some are not so subtle at all. We can make your business presence known in various ways. If you want to jump out at our visitors in a strong way, we have a program for that. If you want a less conspicuous (and less expensive) ad campaign, we can provide that as well. In the past, we designed special promotions for local businesses that were so successful that the management team, that was the benefactor of the program, was completely shocked (in a very good way).

We concentrate on easy-to-use websites that are kept current and provide sensible and reliable information for travelers. The point here is that most Internet users (especially travelers) are looking for information, not fancy graphics or slow-loading images. Travelers do not really care what a website looks like as long as it is easy to find the information they are looking for quickly. We learned this over the years by building a lot of high-traffic websites, none of which could be described as being very pretty. But…they all had something in common – they worked extremely well for our advertisers, sponsors, and visitors.

There are many websites that are dedicated to Baja, or some unique aspect of Baja. There is a ton of information about Baja on the Internet. Some of the information is excellent, some not so good. Many of the current Baja sites are fine, but so much more is way, way outdated. Some of these Baja websites are very poorly organized, making them hard to navigate and difficult to understand. Quite a few of the existing sites are so bad that they shouldn’t even exist.

Advertising solutions for all businesses and all budgets. You can have your business featured on several pages, instead of just one.

We offer advertising packages that are very reasonable when compared to other forms of advertising. We can tailor special packages to promote almost any kind of business (or product), large or small. All you need is a website and the desire for more business. We have the advantage of being able to offer our advertisers or sponsors space on a highly-trafficked website for less than you would typically pay to advertise on others.

Our complete, or partial, sponsorship packages provide your company, or product, with maximum exposure to Baja visitors. We have the advantage of being able to target your ad campaign even more directly toward visitors to Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo, La Paz, Todos Santos, and the East Cape. Sponsorship packages show the world that your business, or product, is a major player in the local marketplace. Our reasonably priced sponsorship packages provide maximum exposure and maximum return on your hard-earned dollars. We also have the capability of creating, distinctive, high-impact promotions that can be based over a period of time or tied into most types of special events.

Very soon, we will have a network of five or six interconnected Baja-related websites that will greatly increase your advertising or sponsorship reach. This interconnected network will provide maximum exposure for our advertising clients and our sponsors.

Let us help you expose your business to travelers that are going to be in Cabo San Lucas, San Jose del Cabo, La Paz, Todos Santos, and other parts of Baja. These are the very people that you need to be targeting with your advertising or promotions if you are reading this page.

This site, All About Baja, has been online since 2010 and traffic to this site is way beyond our expectations.

We are always available to discuss your advertising or promotional needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us.

To review our current advertising rates, please click here ->

The team at

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