Puerto Escondido

Puerto Escondido, a beautiful natural harbor, has a safe deep water marina and also a number of protected anchorages in different spots within a small area. Puerto Escondido is well-protected from the strong northeast winds that can be a hindrance to a peaceful voyage into, or out of, the Sea of Cortez. This harbor has been a popular stop for both sailboats and power yachts for many years.

What there is of Puerto Escondido lays about a mile off the main highway, fifteen miles south of Loreto. The junction is well-marked and the road into Puerto Escondido is paved.

Puerto Escondido is not your typical Baja beach resort. This is an area of incredible beauty and has a very kicked-back feeling to it. It is extremely popular with sail boaters and even has a very informal, local yacht club.

There is a nice (small) hotel (not on the water) and a good trailer/RV park and restaurant that is within walking distance of the marina. The one local mini-mart, that is fairly well stocked, will also do your laundry. There is phone, fax and Internet access available. In the marina, there is a gas dock (cars can gas up there as well), launching ramp and a lot of ultra modern port facility offices. A pretty good pizza restaurant is located in one of the oversized admin buildings.

If you did not know you were in Baja and saw just the facilities, administration offices and the access infrastructure, you might think you were in the middle of a new marina in some major city in the U.S. These radically overbuilt port facilities should be able to serve the needs of Puerto Escondido until the end of time.

There is a boat yard that can do almost any service or repair, no matter what kind of boat you have. Haul-outs and major engine work are available.

A bunch of sailboat folks have formed a local yacht club, Hidden Port Yacht Club, and have their headquarters here in the marina facilities. If you are in the area and need local information this is a good place to ask. They put on a festival each year, Loreto Fest, usually in late April or early May that is quite an event. See link on “Local Businesses” page.

Puerto Escondido has been the site of numerous attempts at development and, so far, all have failed. In the 1980’s, a French company, along with the Mexican government, was going to develop a mega resort complete with canals, condos, a giant hotel, even a golf course. The project got started, millions of dollars were spent…it never got finished.

The remnants of previous attempts at development are out in the open for all to see. Like Loreto, there seems to be some sort of a jinx that keeps Puerto Escondido from becoming very popular. You get the feeling you are in some kind of a nautical ghost town. Not that there is anything particularly bad about this place, it just gives off a weird feeling.

There is great year-round fishing available in the Puerto Escondido area. A typical catch will consist of yellowtail, snapper, tuna and grouper. There are also marlin and sailfish lurking in these waters, depending on the time of year. Puerto Escondido provides a less time consuming approach to a couple of islands that do not get fished very much. Isla Santa Catalina and Isla Monserrate are rarely fished and will normally produce amazing results. These islands are just a little too far out of range for the pangas from Loreto so the fishing can be very productive.

The bay also makes a great place for novices, or those just learning, to windsurf or kayak. Hiking in the rugged Sierra La Giganta is just a short walk inland. Golf and tennis are available in Loreto, 15 miles to the north. The flat seas nearby are great for jet skis or water skiing, if you have the equipment.

Puerto Escondido has enormous potential, it is a beautiful spot that needs some strong investors  and a lot of TLC. Someday, the Mexican government will find the right investors and a sustainable transformation will take place to make this an area that all Baja visitors will want to visit.

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